Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Thlog #1

I'm still kind of confused a little on the whole genre thing i guess. I understand bits and parts but It’s coming to me. I got a understanding that genre is everywhere whether we know it or not. Even though i'm kind of still stuck a little on the whole genre thing, i came to a understanding of other different terms and concepts. I’ve learned about the word parallelism. Parallelism helps your sentences flow better. I learned that it's usually used in poetry really, which is a pair of related words, phrases or clauses. Parallelism is a writing structure.
I already kind of knew a little about summarizing, which is reading a whole passage and writing it in your own words or a shorter way so that you understand better. When i wrote my PB1A i honestly did not really understand this whole topic of “genre”. I didn’t know genre could have such a deeper meaning. I think i wrote it all wrong lol. I think i described lip gloss more than what i actually needed to be describing.the PB1A had me a little confused on what i actually needed to write. Or what i actually was comparing. I used pieces of writing but idk if it was right or wrong. I can use more help on the whole genre thing. The nesting dolls kind of helped me a little. For example in class when Mr.z had a big nesting doll then it went all the way to the smallest one. This gave me a understand that a genre can be this one big broad topic but it can get narrowed down and become smaller and smaller. For instance you have a topic sports, it's many of things that involves sports. Like teams, players, timeout, managers, jersey’s, and etc. one broad topic can be narrowed down to something way simpler. I got a better understanding on paraphrasing too. Which is taking what the writer or speaker wrote using different words to get better clarity of what it's saying.

The “Navigating Genres” article helped me understand that its genre everywhere. I learned that next time i do a major writing i will have to consider not only form but my audience and purposes. This article is helping me a lot. Its helping me make more efficient decisions when writing. The article helped me to learn how different genre’s can function. But so far so good.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Genre: School
Source” NYtimes Magazine
Ways To Read!

     The Genre I’m going to be talking about is school. School is a broad topic so I’m going to narrow it down. I’ve read a nytimes article on how taking a gap year from school can shape your life.  The article is about a study on whether its good for teenages or adults to take a break off from school then continue after a year or so. This is a good article and there are plenty ways to go about reading this article whether you know it or not.   

      Sometimes when you go online and read different articles they are just so long and exaggerating. For example the article I'm reading is “ How taking a gap year can shape your life” it's a  very long and have multiple paragraphs. Its several different way to approach this type of article. One way readers go about reading a text if It's way too long is too skim.  Reading this article and using the technique skimming. For instance, in “Shelley Reids” SQ3R she states, you should look at starts, finishes, headers and topic sentences. That is another way of skimming. I’ve got to understand fastly that logic suggest “that many people who take a gap year get better jobs after college than people who don’t”. This technique helps you get the key points and the general idea without reading the whole article. It’s a quote under the header that says,
Looking back, adults who took time off before
or during college say they have no regrets.

What is Skimming?
  • Enables you to cover vast amount of material rapidly
  • Survey a text and get a general idea
  • Breezing for its general gist

 It's good to get in the writer’s perspective of writing. ( Reading Like A Writer ). This is a good reading strategy when reading an article because it helps you get into the author shoes and find out why he or she wrote this piece. This helps you understand why did the author structure the article a certain way. Why did the author say certain vocabulary words when he/she wrote the piece. You may want to know why the writer choose certain examples. This helps you connect with what you're reading as if you were the author. Using this technique helped me understand that using Obama’s daughter ( Malia Obama ) as an example of taking a break from school would grab the reader’s attention tremendously. You may start to think to yourself that it may not be that bad taking a year off from school if obama’s daughter is. This grabs the audience attention. When reading like a writer about articles, you can also understand why the author/writer used examples of different researches and surveys to come up the idea of how taking a gap year from school can shape your life.

Reading Like A Writer
  • Reading a piece as if you wrote it
  • Help you make similar decisions in your own writing

  When reading certain articles you should always have doubts and disagrees. Even though most articles are true some include opinions. You should always ask yourself why should i believe this writer? Is what he/she say true? Many questions may go through your head as it should. You don't always have to agree with a writer about an article. Always ask yourself where did this information come from? You can't just read one writer’s article and just base it on their perspective. Don't always believe the writer. Argue with the writer as Zack would say. Reading this article from NYTIMES, I have plenty of disagreements. First, how can you say that it is smart to take a year off from school? You can’t conclude that if i take a year off from school I’ll be more successful. Thats sort of an opinion. Why can’t I attend school straight without taking a gap and still be successful? As a reader reading this piece, I know personal people for a fact that said that they’ll take a year off from school and got lazy and never went back.

Doubts And Disagrees

  • Demand clear convincing claims
  • Consider multiple perspectives
  • Explore different reasonings

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

RaushanahR PB1A

     My Genre is lip gloss. As you know there are plenty different lip glosses. Many companies sell lip gloss online such as MAC, Sephora, Amazon, and ETC. Lip gloss is a Genre that’s everywhere whether you know it or not. Many of your favorite celebrities have their own brands of lip gloss. The lip gloss genres are in your everyday magazines. Magazines such as allure, glamour, and a lot of teen magazines. These magazines give you the latest tips and tricks on how to wear your lip gloss. Magazines are always structured the same way. Sentences that you find common in magazines are that “Every women needs a lipstick to complement their skin,tone, and features”. Whether you’re wearing clear or a hot pink lip gloss is in our everyday life as a Genre. Many women participate in the genre of lip gloss. Lip gloss fulfils your everyday glossy look. Lip Gloss gives your lips lustre. Lip gloss comes in plenty of colors and shades says website maybelline. When you’re online shopping for either clothes or shoes, plenty lip gloss advertisements may pop up from time to time. You may think to yourself why do i need to buy lip gloss? I can just use my regular blistex or chapstick. Many lip gloss has medicational and soothing purposes. The genre of lip gloss appears in your favorite local stores such as Walmart and Rite-Aid, on posters and ads persuading you to purchase. Many ads have a similar format and the lengths are never too long. The choice of words are always persuading on advertisements. These everyday ads have many different prices and reasons on why you should buy the product. You can be driving down the street on a rainy day and see a billboard of lip gloss. Many ads even compare prices for you. Here’s an example of an Ad from covergirl. A lot of websites sell lip gloss but many costumes may want to know what makes this a good lip gloss product? Why should i buy it? Why is lip gloss affective? What's the outcome of me using this product? And that’s where costumer reviews play a major role in the world genre of lip gloss. You can get costumer reviews from yelp, amazon , or even the actual company you're buying the lip gloss from. When you’re shopping online you may never know what you’re purchasing.

Textual Genre jumps right in place for you. Having textual genre of lip gloss gives you the chance of reading lip gloss descriptions or even real customer comments. Personally I believe customer reviews  and comments are the most effective way in showing genre of lipgloss. For example MAC vs Sephora. Many customers believe that sephora has more variety that MAC. Linda says “ Sephora no doubt about it! They have a lot more brands to choose from and MAC doesn't always work well with everyone's skin. Really check out Sephora and try out some samples”. Right under Lynda comment was a women name Korie she says “I totally agree with Linda. Sephora has tons of other great makeup brands and different types of products that MAC doesn't offer. I think you might get overwhelmed with all the different products you will see”.
Source - https://www.beautylish.com/t/vmsva/mac-vs-sephora. Every costumer review on the page MAC VS Sephora, Sephora wins the argument. After reading the textual comments of real customers the possible outcomes are that new customers who are confused on where to purchase lipgloss may go directly to Sephora . The writer may be assuming that the reader needs help on where to purchase lip gloss. Being an actual customer of both stores I agree totally that Sephora has a bigger variety than Mac when it comes to lipgloss.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

About Me

Well, Hey my name is Raushanah Roussaw it's kind of long but oh well lol. But I'm a cool and funny person to be around. I like reading but i HATE writing. I don't really know what else to say lol so I'm done.