Tuesday, October 11, 2016

RaushanahR PB1A

     My Genre is lip gloss. As you know there are plenty different lip glosses. Many companies sell lip gloss online such as MAC, Sephora, Amazon, and ETC. Lip gloss is a Genre that’s everywhere whether you know it or not. Many of your favorite celebrities have their own brands of lip gloss. The lip gloss genres are in your everyday magazines. Magazines such as allure, glamour, and a lot of teen magazines. These magazines give you the latest tips and tricks on how to wear your lip gloss. Magazines are always structured the same way. Sentences that you find common in magazines are that “Every women needs a lipstick to complement their skin,tone, and features”. Whether you’re wearing clear or a hot pink lip gloss is in our everyday life as a Genre. Many women participate in the genre of lip gloss. Lip gloss fulfils your everyday glossy look. Lip Gloss gives your lips lustre. Lip gloss comes in plenty of colors and shades says website maybelline. When you’re online shopping for either clothes or shoes, plenty lip gloss advertisements may pop up from time to time. You may think to yourself why do i need to buy lip gloss? I can just use my regular blistex or chapstick. Many lip gloss has medicational and soothing purposes. The genre of lip gloss appears in your favorite local stores such as Walmart and Rite-Aid, on posters and ads persuading you to purchase. Many ads have a similar format and the lengths are never too long. The choice of words are always persuading on advertisements. These everyday ads have many different prices and reasons on why you should buy the product. You can be driving down the street on a rainy day and see a billboard of lip gloss. Many ads even compare prices for you. Here’s an example of an Ad from covergirl. A lot of websites sell lip gloss but many costumes may want to know what makes this a good lip gloss product? Why should i buy it? Why is lip gloss affective? What's the outcome of me using this product? And that’s where costumer reviews play a major role in the world genre of lip gloss. You can get costumer reviews from yelp, amazon , or even the actual company you're buying the lip gloss from. When you’re shopping online you may never know what you’re purchasing.

Textual Genre jumps right in place for you. Having textual genre of lip gloss gives you the chance of reading lip gloss descriptions or even real customer comments. Personally I believe customer reviews  and comments are the most effective way in showing genre of lipgloss. For example MAC vs Sephora. Many customers believe that sephora has more variety that MAC. Linda says “ Sephora no doubt about it! They have a lot more brands to choose from and MAC doesn't always work well with everyone's skin. Really check out Sephora and try out some samples”. Right under Lynda comment was a women name Korie she says “I totally agree with Linda. Sephora has tons of other great makeup brands and different types of products that MAC doesn't offer. I think you might get overwhelmed with all the different products you will see”.
Source - https://www.beautylish.com/t/vmsva/mac-vs-sephora. Every costumer review on the page MAC VS Sephora, Sephora wins the argument. After reading the textual comments of real customers the possible outcomes are that new customers who are confused on where to purchase lipgloss may go directly to Sephora . The writer may be assuming that the reader needs help on where to purchase lip gloss. Being an actual customer of both stores I agree totally that Sephora has a bigger variety than Mac when it comes to lipgloss.


  1. RR,

    I'm going to be reading this tomorrow -- looking forward to it.


  2. Raushanah,

    Ok, so first thing’s first: “lip gloss” is not a TEXTUAL GENRE—it’s a beauty product. You could analyze something related to this as long are you specifically focus on a piece of WRITING that is associated with lip gloss. Ask yourself: what kinds of writing are involved with this activity? The packaging of the product? The advertisements? Various companies’ websites? Users reviews? Magazine “how to” write-ups?
    Here’s another way of putting it: it’s not LIP GLOSS that I want you to examine here, so much as HOW PEOPLE WRITE ABOUT lip gloss. What sorts of documents do folks who work in the lip gloss industry have to read or write to do their jobs? And what sorts of documents might consumers who want to purchse lip gloss choose to read or write?
    You began to mention that they appear in magazines and ads and inside stores, and you’re absolutely right—what I want you to do is to pick 1 genre and then try to find patterns across them. For instance, you wrote that “The choice of words are always persuading on advertisements.” OK, now what I want you to do is convince me of that—give me proof of that claim. What words stick out, and why? What *in the writing* is observable? I think your next major step is to back up your claims by helping me to SEE what you want me to see. The best way to do that is to call my (and other readers’) attention to actual slices of language that you think represent something important.

    Users’ comments (in their reviewers) could be another, different genre worth analyzing. (I think users’ comments are super interesting.) I especially like how you made the point that for “Every costumer review on the page MAC VS Sephora, Sephora wins the argument.” The next step that I want you to take is to back this up—tell me how, specifically, Sephora “wins the argument.” What are the conventions/ingredients of these reviews that can make them more successful than others?

    In ENG 101-108, I’m trying to train you to become super-observant so that you can get down to the nittiest of details and adhere (if that’s what you want to do) to the audience’s expectations for all the different genres that you’ll write here on out. By gaining a deeper and more critical reading awareness, you’ll be able to adopt/adapt writer’s choices (their writing) into your own writing.

    You’re off to a good start, RR. ☺


  3. I loved your concept even though it wasn't a textual genre. i feel you did a great job at comparing, contrasting, and showing the competitiveness that that topic has to offer. Also, i think you gave good examples of how different opionions on each can be interpretted depending on the consumers needs. I feel if you would have beeen able to comare 3 of the writing pieces you would do fantastic because you have a great eye for detail.All you have to do is use it to explain what you see on writing we can see visually.Overall you did great.

  4. I loved your concept even though it wasn't a textual genre. i feel you did a great job at comparing, contrasting, and showing the competitiveness that that topic has to offer. Also, i think you gave good examples of how different opionions on each can be interpretted depending on the consumers needs. I feel if you would have beeen able to comare 3 of the writing pieces you would do fantastic because you have a great eye for detail.All you have to do is use it to explain what you see on writing we can see visually.Overall you did great.
