Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Thlog #5

The one on one conference gave me a big push! This conference helped me get a better view on my paper on what I could possibly write about. I was clueless going into this conference. I mean I did have my two different sources of writing but I did not know where to start. Zack gave me different suggestions I could talk about in my paper, and even pointed out certain things in my articles I didn’t even notice. I think having one on one conferences with students is major help and all teachers should do this honestly. And thanks to that my wp2 turned out to be great!!.

I’ve came to an understanding to myself that writing notes to yourself helps a lot. It helps BIG TIME! This gives me a list of what I need to do or get down in case I forget. This also helps big time with reading/writing because it’s like little notes to yourself it helps you proofread your own writing or go over what you wrote. It can be as simple as a one sentence recap. Writing notes always helps me as a writer, and even when reading. During this class I also learned about annotating, which in my own words is writing your thoughts or your ideas in the margin of paper. You can ask questions, highlight and underline important pieces that you found in the text. This helps me when I want to go back to a text and read it, all I have to do is skim my annotations. I doubt and disagree when I make annotations. Annotating also helps I put heady and complicated texts/sentences in my own words. This technique was very helpful because it helps me make connections between the text I’m reading and what I actually already know about the text I’m reading.

I like the idea of reflecting what I wrote, it gives me something to look back from what I previously wrote and it can help me reflect on bettering in the future and present. Reflecting helps me add insight of what I learned or gained from before. It gives me some type of clarity. I can add new thoughts when I reflect on old writings. This was a good tip I learned in this English 101-108 and I will definitely use it in future classes and writings.

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