Monday, November 28, 2016

Thlog #4

 The past couple of weeks have been crazy because of all these days off, and strikes and all the other crazy things going on. But I feel like I’m maintaining a good speed with turning all my work in on time and efficiently. I think the PB’s was a good idea because it helped give me a better understanding of what the WP papers were going to look like. The PBs were helpful, it broke the WPs down into 2 simple parts. Brainstorming before I write any of my papers have also been a major help. It gives me a look on possible ideas I can or should write about. I actually used this before every PB or WP I wrote, it’s a major key.  

After writing my WP2, I gained much more knowledge and understanding about my topic “Death Penalty” then I knew way before. I knew the basics of death penalty but not actually how harsh it could be or even get. I believe I did better on writing my WP2, then what I previously wrote in my WP1. I was much more confident writing my WP2 because I had a way better understanding on my topic, and what it was that I actually had to write about. My only struggles with my WP2 was adding in the course readings. I just couldn’t find where I think they would fit at. I added course vocabs and course terms in my writing, such as audience, purpose, moves and etc., but the readings I just couldn’t seem it fit it in. On my WP1 I had trouble using citations. I think I improved on using citations in my WP2.

Zack went over Wikipedia and if we thought it was a good resource or not. And of course I thought it wasn’t.  I learned way more about Wikipedia then I previously knew. Before Zack and the class explained the different ways and sources to use Wikipedia I honestly didn’t like it. I believed that not nearly everything that’s stated on Wikipedia is true. I agreed on this because anyone in the world can write their response and thoughts on something. I learned that you can actually use Wikipedia to find topics to write about for your own papers. I even learned that way at the bottom of the Wikipedia page there are numerous of resources that authors listed to build their credibility. This gave me a way different view from what I known before.

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