Sunday, November 6, 2016

Thlog #2

Well before writing my Wp1, I was working on the PB’s and I was actually confused on what genre actually was. I really didn’t understand how I was going to write “genre”. I always thought genre was only in music I never knew it was in reading / writing. During the past couple of classes we had I started to get a better understanding on what you were actually looking for when writing about a specific genre. I was a little confused on how to start writing my WP1 but I wrote it. The comments you left was a very big help I got to understand what I did wrong and right. For instance, I was doing my “work cited” page wrong and you gave me tips on what can help me improve on how I can better it next time. I looked up different work cite pages on google like you said and it helped me a lot, and actually showed me what it should look like. After several classes I finally got to understand what genre was. I got it RIGHT on my WP1; I actually improved on writing genre. Writing my WP1 I gained much more knowledge from what I knew about my topic before.

Like I said before the nesting dolls was a big help. Narrowing down one big genre too something more similar was a big help. Certain writing tips became a BIG help. Like writing a reverse outline. I learned that it could be actually be your second outline. It helped to know that you can turn your draft into an outline. In a reverse outline you should pick out all the main points in each paragraph. Based on the highlighting techniques I started to notice that I clammed too much information in one paragraph. It was like one big run on sentence. I’m still struggling on understanding what exactly the rhetorical triangle is. For instance in getting confused on what actually ethos, pathos and logos mean. I get very confused on their meanings. Being in groups and having partners is also a major help. It helps me get a better understanding on a certain topic were talking about in class. Sometimes I think it’s better to hear from a peer then a teacher. Peers may explain it better sometimes. Having partners gives me another look at a topic, it points on things I actually never noticed it’s a major help getting helps from others! So I like the get in a group partner idea. 

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